Browsing by Subject "MICRO VEHICULOS AEREOS"
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ponencia en congreso.listelement.badge Cluster space LPV control of robot formations(2018-10) Ghersin, Alejandro S.; Giribet, Juan I.; Mas, Ignacio"Within the Cluster Space robot formation control scheme, a new approach is presented where a cascaded control scheme is proposed. On one hand, a simple secondary (inner) loop is used to control the formation’s velocity in Robot Space, while on the other hand a quasi-LPV (Linear Parameter Varying) approach is employed for the design of the main (outer) control loop where the geometry and kinematics of the problem are captured by the LPV formulation. Certain aspects of the design such as stability are tackled, and the use of parameter-dependent weighting functions is discussed through a design example tested in simulations in order to illustrate the use of the method."ponencia en congreso.listelement.badge Diseño, construcción, simulación 3D y control LPV de un cuadricóptero de forma variante(2019-11) Ghersin, Alejandro S.; Giribet, Juan I.; Pose, Claudio D.; Mas, Ignacio"En este trabajo se propone el diseño lineal de parámetros variantes (LPV) para el control de un cuadricóptero cuyos brazos pueden moverse respecto del eje vertical del vehículo, cambiando su forma de acuerdo a requerimientos de misión. El trabajo presenta el desarrollo del simulador multicuerpo y del algoritmo de control junto con una introducción al método LPV, mostrando con su utilización. Además, se presenta una explicación detallada del prototipo construido hasta el momento para las pruebas."artículo de publicación periódica.listelement.badge Experimental validation of a fault-tolerant hexacopter with tilted rotors(2018) Giribet, Juan I.; Pose, Claudio D.; Ghersin, Alejandro S.; Mas, Ignacio"Recently, research reporting the advantages of flying with tilted-motor multicopters has surfaced. Particularly, it has been theoretically proven that in the case of a complete failure of one of the motors in a hexagon-shaped hexacopter, complete altitude and attitude control can be maintained. In this work, these theoretical results were experimentally validated."artículo de publicación periódica.listelement.badge Fault tolerance analysis for a class of reconfigurable aerial hexarotor vehicles(2020-08) Pose, Claudio D.; Giribet, Juan I.; Mas, Ignacio"Several works have addressed the issue of fault tolerance in multirotors in case of a rotor total failure, particularly their ability to keep full independent control of attitude and altitude. It has been proven that to achieve this, a minimum of six rotors is needed. In this work, the performance of several standard and nonstandard hexarotor structures is analyzed, both for a nominal case (without failure) and in the case where one of the actuators is under failure (incapability to exert thrust). The performance is shown in terms of maximum rotational torque and vertical force that the vehicle can exert. The main contribution of this work is the proposal and analysis of converting these vehicles into reconfigurable ones through the addition of a minimum number of servomotors, to deal with failures and to greatly improve the maneuverability under these conditions, in order to identify the reconfigurable structure with the best performance. An experimental demonstration in an outdoor environment is shown for the proposed reconfigurable structure with best performance in case of a full rotor failure."ponencia en congreso.listelement.badge Fault tolerance analysis of a hexarotor with reconfigurable tilted rotors(2020) Pose, Claudio D.; Giribet, Juan I.; Mas, Ignacio"Tilted rotors in multirotor vehicles have shown to be useful for different practical reasons. For instance, increasing yaw maneuverability or enabling full position and attitude control of hexarotor vehicles. It has also been proven that a hexagon-shaped multirotor is capable of complete attitude and altitude control under failures of one of its rotors. However, when a rotor fails, the torque that can be reached in the worstcase direction decreases considerably. This work proposes to actively change the tilt angle of the rotors when a failure occurs. This rotor reconfiguration increases the maximum torque that can be achieved in the most stressful direction, reducing maneuverability limitations. Experimental validations are shown, where the proposed reconfigurable tilted rotor is used in order to control a hexarotor vehicle when a failure appears mid-flight. The impact of the delay in the reconfiguration when a failure occurs is also addressed."ponencia en congreso.listelement.badge Fault tolerance analysis of a multirotor with 6DOF(2019-09) Giribet, Juan I.; Pose, Claudio D.; Mas, Ignacio"Several works have addressed the issue of obtaining a six degree of freedom (6DOF) capable multirotor. However, the capability of keeping full control in the case of a total failure in one of the rotors has not yet been analyzed. In this work, it is proven that eight is the minimum number of rotors necessary to achive 6DOF control of a multirotor, in the case of a total failure in one of them. Also, an octorotor configuration with 6DOF control capabilities in a failure situation is proposed and analyzed through numerical simulations, comparing its flight performance in a nominal and a failure case. "ponencia en congreso.listelement.badge Fault tolerant control of an hexacopter with a tilted-rotor configuration(2017) Giribet, Juan I.; Pose, Claudio D.; Mas, Ignacio"Recently, it was shown that an hexagon-shaped hexa-rotor micro aerial vehicle with unidirectionally spinning tilted rotors is capable of fault tolerant attitude and altitude control. This result has been theoretically proven and validated by simulations. However, experimental results have never been reported yet. In this work experimental results are presented, and a comparison between a tilted-rotor hexacopter with one in a standard rotor configuration is carried out."ponencia en congreso.listelement.badge Fault tolerant control of an hexacopter with a tilted-rotor configuration(2020) Giribet, Juan I.; Pose, Claudio D.; Mas, Ignacio"Recientemente, han surgido algunos trabajos reportando las ventajas de volar con multicópteros con rotores inclinados, es decir, rotores que no apunten en la dirección de la vertical del vehículo. En particular, se demostró que para lograr un vehículo hexa-rotor capaz de tolerar fallas en uno de sus rotores es necesario que éstos estén inclinados. Hasta el momento, las validaciones experimentales de estos resultados han considerado fallas parciales en los rotores. Más precisamente, se han analizado casos en los cuales uno de los rotores pierde capacidad de empuje. Sin embargo, los resultados teóricos admiten una falla total de los rotores, es decir, que uno de los rotores se detenga completamente. En este trabajo validamos experimentalmente la falla total de un rotor y mostramos cómo un vehículo hexa-rotor es capaz de mantener su capacidad de maniobra ante la pérdida total de uno de sus rotores."capítulo de libro.listelement.badge Fault-tolerant systems for unmanned multirotor aerial vehicles(2020) Giribet, Juan I.; Pose, Claudio D.; Mas, Ignacio"This chapter presents some recent results on fault-tolerant control systems for unmanned aerial systems, in particular for multirotor-type vehicles, commonly known as drones. Over the last years, these vehicles have become widely popular. Simplicity and cost-effectiveness have turned out to be very appealing and, as a consequence, an increasing number of applications have risen in many fields such as agriculture, surveillance, and photography, among others. As mission requirements become more demanding, the matter of fault tolerance emerges as a key challenge, especially if system certification is sought. Here, the focus is placed particularly on rotor failures in multirotor vehicles, and a specific definition for fault tolerance is considered based on the maneuverability capabilities in case of a failure. A geometric analysis is presented to evaluate the fault tolerant capabilities of a given vehicle, together with an experimental validation. Then, the limitations of this concept are analyzed. Finally, a novel reconfigurable structure is proposed for a fault-tolerant hexarotor, that presents good flight performance in failure cases, together with experimental results."ponencia en congreso.listelement.badge Hexacopter fault tolerant actuator allocation analysis for optimal thrust(2017) Pose, Claudio D.; Giribet, Juan I.; Ghersin, Alejandro S."Recently, it was shown that an hexagon shaped hexarotor vehicle with tilted rotors, is capable of fault tolerant attitude and altitude control. In this work, we propose a strategy to select the signals commanded to each rotor in order to achieve a desired torque and vertical force. The proposed strategy is optimal in the sense that minimizes the maximum force exerted by the rotors. A comparison with the commonly used strategy based upon the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse is carried out. It is shown that, with the optimal strategy proposed here, maneuverability is improved, because the new method takes into account the actuators constraints. Although the optimal strategy is computationally more demanding than the classical method, the additional computational burden is not significant when both strategies are compared in a real application. To show this, both algorithms were programmed in an autopilot based on an ARM Cortex M3 microcontroller, and the experimental results are presented."artículo de publicación periódica.listelement.badge Quaternions and dual quaternions: singularity-free multirobot formation control(2017-09) Mas, Ignacio; Kitts, Christopher"Cluster space control is a method of multirobot formation keeping that considers a group of robots to be a single entity, defining state variables to represent characteristics of the group, such as position, orientation, and shape. This technique, however, suffers from singularities when a minimal state representation is used. This paper presents three alternative implementations of this control approach that eliminate singularities through changes in the control architecture or through redundant formation definitions. These proposed solutions rely on quaternions, dual quaternions, and control implementations that produce singularity-free trajectories while maintaining a cluster level abstraction that allows for simple specification and monitoring. A key component of this work is a novel concept of representing formation shape parameters with dual quaternions. Simulation results show the feasibility of the proposed solutions and illustrate their differences and limitations."ponencia en congreso.listelement.badge Sistema de control para un robot aerodeslizante(2019-11) Pecker Marcosig, Ezequiel; Presenza, Francisco; Giribet, Juan I.; Mas, Ignacio"En este trabajo se presenta la construcción de un robot aerodeslizante, y la implementación del sistema de medición y control utilizando ROS (Robot Operating System). Este vehículo fue diseñado para el estudio de estrategias de control híbrido en sistemas ciber-físicos. Para comprobar el funcionamiento de esta plataforma se cerró el lazo utilizando una estrategia de control simple (PID). Se presentan los resultados experimentales preliminares obtenidos para el seguimiento de referencias."ponencia en congreso.listelement.badge Trajectory following with a MAV under rotor fault conditions(2019-09) Pose, Claudio D.; Presenza, Francisco; Mas, Ignacio; Giribet, Juan I."Lately, a novel multirotor aerial vehicle capable of handling single rotor failures was presented. When a rotor fails, physically reconfiguring one of the remaining rotors of an hexarotor allows to compensate for maneuverability limitations. In this work, experimental results show the performance of the vehicle in a trajectory-following task in both nominal and fault conditions."ponencia en congreso.listelement.badge Validación de un sistema de posicionamiento ultrasónico para Interiores(2019-11) Presenza, Francisco; Pose, Claudio D.; Mas, Ignacio; Giribet, Juan I."En el presente trabajo se contrastan dos sistemas comerciales de posicionamiento en interiores para robots móviles. En primer lugar, el sistema OptiTrack, con tecnología de captura de movimiento por imágenes, que posee alta confiabilidad y es utilizado como referencia. En segundo lugar, el sistema Marvelmind, con tecnología de ultrasonido y costo reducido. Es de especial interés estudiar la capacidad de estos sistemas para localizar múltiples vehículos. Para ello, se realizaron ensayos de posicionamiento con vehículos de diferente tipo, empleando ambos sistemas de manera simultánea. Se presentan los resultados obtenidos en los ensayos y algunas recomendaciones para su uso."ponencia en congreso.listelement.badge Vision-based integrated navigation system and optimal allocation in formation flying(2018-06) Giribet, Juan I.; Mas, Ignacio; Moreno, Patricio"This article proposes an integrated navigation system for multiple micro aerial vehicles flying in formation. A data fusion algorithm uses measurements from an inertial measurement unit, a GPS receiver, and a camera allowing to use the positioning information of the surrounding vehicles to improve its estimation. A measure of the navigation performance of the formation is defined. Based on such measure, the position where each vehicle should be located in the formation is studied to guarantee the best overall navigation quality."