proyecto final de Ingeniería de procesos y productos elaborados con paneles metálicos
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"En procesos de desarrollo de nuevos productos, la fuerte interrelación entre productos y procesos es causante de frecuentes iteraciones que insumen tiempo y una importante cantidad de recursos. El método para minimizar dichas iteraciones en la ingeniería del proyecto es el trabajo concurrente de las diferentes áreas involucradas. Este estudio trata los temas claves que deben ser considerados por equipos multidisciplinarios para optimizar proyectos de desarrollo de nuevos productos elaborados con paneles metálicos".
"In processes of development for new products, the strong relationship between products and processes is the cause of frequent iterations that consume time and an important amount of resources. The method to dimish these iterations in the project's engineering processes is the concurrent work of the different areas involved. This study treats the key subjects that must be considered by multidisciplinary teams to optimize projects of development for new products manufactured with metallic panels".
"In processes of development for new products, the strong relationship between products and processes is the cause of frequent iterations that consume time and an important amount of resources. The method to dimish these iterations in the project's engineering processes is the concurrent work of the different areas involved. This study treats the key subjects that must be considered by multidisciplinary teams to optimize projects of development for new products manufactured with metallic panels".