proyecto final de El impacto de la regularización de las tarifas de gas en el mercado
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"La Argentina ha sido y es un país con alta dependencia del gas natural. No sólo se tiene una matriz energética compuesta mayoritariamente por dicho hidrocarburo sino que además son muchas las industrias que dependen del mismo. A partir de la privatización del sector en la década del ´90, la producción de gas natural había experimentado un constante crecimiento. Sin embargo, la crisis socioeconómica desatada en el año 2001, revirtió la situación, al pesificarse las tarifas de gas y con el consecuente congelamiento de precio del gas en boca de pozo los productores se vieron atrapados entre un precio de gas pesificado e inversiones y costos atados a precios internacionales, por lo cual su margen se vió ampliamente reducido. Esto llevo a que por un lado la demanda comenzará a crecer, como consecuencia de los bajos precios mientras que la oferta comenzará a reducirse por la imposibilidad por parte de los productores de invertir en exploración y explotación de nuevos yacimientos y mantenimiento de los actuales. En el presente trabajo se estudia el comportamiento de cada uno de los segmentos del mercado luego de la crisis con el objetivo de obtener mediante distintos métodos una proyección de demanda y oferta para los próximos diez años"
"Argentina is and has been a country very dependant of the use of natural gas. Not only this is one of its principal sources of electric energy but also there are many industries that depend of it. Since the privatization of the gas industry in the ´90, Argentina's natural gas production increased steadily. However, the economic crisis experienced in the year 2001 ended this development. With the "pesification" of gas tariffs and consequently of well head natural gas prices, local producers found themselves trapped between prices in local currency and investments and costs in international currency, so their margin was significantly reduced. This situation led in one place to a surge in natural gas usage and in the other place the production began to decline as the consequence of the lack of investment in exploration of new gas fields and maintenance of the operating ones. In order to obtain an estimate of the future demand and supply for the following ten years, in the present paper one can find a study on the behaviour of each of the principal market segments after the crisis".
"Argentina is and has been a country very dependant of the use of natural gas. Not only this is one of its principal sources of electric energy but also there are many industries that depend of it. Since the privatization of the gas industry in the ´90, Argentina's natural gas production increased steadily. However, the economic crisis experienced in the year 2001 ended this development. With the "pesification" of gas tariffs and consequently of well head natural gas prices, local producers found themselves trapped between prices in local currency and investments and costs in international currency, so their margin was significantly reduced. This situation led in one place to a surge in natural gas usage and in the other place the production began to decline as the consequence of the lack of investment in exploration of new gas fields and maintenance of the operating ones. In order to obtain an estimate of the future demand and supply for the following ten years, in the present paper one can find a study on the behaviour of each of the principal market segments after the crisis".